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Know your Meds

Why it’s it important?

These days there are so many prescription drugs on the market that more and more people can find themselves on a long list of pills and potions! It can be hard to keep track of what you are taking, which ones you have tried in the past & what has or hasn’t worked for you. It is however very important for your health and safety to be informed about what you are taking.

In our day to day management of clients in both aged care/homecare situations, we find many people can’t remember what medications they take, or why they are even on them!

People tend to rely on their GP knowing what is best for them, and trusting their judgment. And whilst trusting your GP is vital, it is your body and you need to know what you are on, and why you are taking them!!

Having a clear and detailed list of your medication history is helpful for many reasons.


🚑 In an emergency, it is often the first question the ambulance crew or emergency nurse will ask? what medication are you taking? are you allergic to anything? If you are on lots of tablets unless you have the memory of an elephant or carry your medical record in your pocket you are going to struggle to remember.

🚊 ✈ ✈ If you’re traveling and become unwell, again it will be the first question asked.
Notes about New medications – If you are on many medications, and at times have tried different ones, it is very useful to keep track of what you have had, if it worked well, & if you had any reaction or non-favorable result from taking certain meds.

To keep track of your current medications you can ask your GP for a list of your current medical history and medications – and this can be very helpful to keep at home, or to take with you if you are traveling.

📖 To keep track of all the medications you have tried in the past – and include which ones worked well and which ones didn’t – a diary or journal can be very valuable, you can record what you have tried & what effect it had either positive or negative, this can help you avoid trying a repeated meds that you have been on before and had a negative or unfavourable reaction to. You can also keep track of natural supplements, and how these have worked for you.

Having this information at hand will help you to know your pharmaceuticals & what works for you, but will also help those who you care for. For carers, having a list and journal of past and present will mean one less thing to have to remember. The information is also invaluable if you are being supported at home, and if you attend a facility for respite care.

So remember it’s your body, and it is important you know what medications you are taking, why you are taking them & what they are for.

Please click on the link below for a downloadable PDF for your personal use.


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