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Multiple Sclerosis

Our trained healthcare assistants can provide expert support to help you or your loved one manage Multiple Sclerosis. Read on to find out how we can assist.

Comfort Keepers Ireland
What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis is a condition affecting the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The CNS controls the motor, sensory and cognitive functioning of the body by processing and transmitting messages through a network of nerves. These nerves are covered by a fatty substance called myelin. MS develops when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks this myelin.

With the changing nature of MS, managing your health, career, family life and social life can be challenging. While MS may not necessarily prevent you from doing the things you always wanted to do, your health will play a bigger part in the decision making process. Comfort Keepers can support in the following ways:


Exercises can be helpful, to stay as healthy and fit as possible and to improve some of your symptoms and their effects. All kinds of physical movement can be of benefit and carers can assist in staying active

General Support

People with MS can experience fatigue – making some daily tasks difficult. Comfort Keepers carers can support on these days with shopping, meal preparation, personal care needs.

Mobility Assistance

Poor balance and mobility can be challenging, our carers can assist with implementing safe mobility routines and can support with using mobility aids.

Medication Support

Medications are important for alleviating the symptoms of MS – tremors/spasms, memory issues, pain, inflammation, constipation. Comfort Keepers carers can support with prompting a person’s medication regime and reminding them to take their tablets and when.

Find out more about how we can support you here or learn more at MS Society.

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