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Comfort Keepers sign The Diversity Charter Ireland

On October 25th 2017, our Director of Quality & Care, Julie Roberts, signed the Diversity Charter Ireland on behalf of Comfort Keepers Ireland.

The Diversity Charter Ireland was launched in October 2012 by eleven organisations, representing the broader business community and including IBEC, the group that represents Irish business. The signing of this charter is a voluntary commitment by these organisations to effective diversity management, preventing discrimination and promoting equality with respect to all their stakeholders and the environment in which they operate. In signing this charter, organisations in Ireland join their counterparts in twelve other European countries in publicly stating their commitment to diversity. The founding Irish signatories are An Post, Dell, Dublin Bus, Dublin City University, ESB, Equality Strategies, Ibec, Permanent TSB, Rehab, Telefonica.

We believe that diversity in Ireland contributes to the richness, resourcefulness and innovation that makes society flourish. As people, we collaborate in organisations to deliver successful business outcomes, and diversity is key to our success.

By signing the Diversity Charter Ireland, we at Comfort Keepers are demonstrating our commitment to effective diversity management, preventing discrimination and promoting equality so that we:

  • Attract and retain the best talent to our organisation;
  • Ensure all employees continue their best to the organisation;
  • Attract the diverse range of customers needed to support or business development model;
  • Comply with the legal requirements to prevent discrimination and promote quality; and
  • Build awareness and understanding of the benefits of promoting equality and diversity.

By signing this charter, our objectives are to:

  • Continually work to ensure we have a corporate culture that is characterised by respect and appreciation for our diversity.
  • Promote our commitment to diversity in the workplace by training management and employees involved in recruitment, promotion, training, career development and supervision of employees to ensure equality and diversity are harnessed.
  • Respect and promote the application of all aspects of the principle of non- discrimination at every stage of the HR processes, in particular in the recruitment, training, promotion and career development of employees.
  • Endeavour to reflect, the diversity of society at every level of our organisation.
  • Involve our employees, customers and suppliers in the development, review and monitoring of our diversity and equality initiatives and action plans and keep all informed of the practical results of this commitment.
  • Reflect, where appropriate, within company reports our commitment to non-discrimination and diversity including details of the measures and initiatives implemented, our internal procedures, the results achieved and plans to build on our progress.
  • Participate in Diversity Charter Ireland, and other networks including EU networks to build awareness of and share best practice and the benefits of diversity.

In addition to the founding signatories, many more companies have subsequently joined the charter since its establishment including Irish Rail, Bus Eireann, Vodafone, Google and KPMG. There continues to be a mix of public and private sector organisations along with a number of multinationals, and we are sincerely delighted to part of the Irish Diversity Charter as well.

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