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Tag: loneliness

Tag: loneliness

Combating Winter Loneliness in Ireland Introduction  As the Irish winter sets in, the chill in the air can often exacerbate feelings of loneliness, particularly among elderly people. Loneliness is a significant issue all year round, but the winter months tend to magnify its impact. This week, the Irish Government recognised this fact and the importance … Continued

Tag: loneliness

Tag: loneliness

Tag: loneliness

Christmas is a time full of magic… sparkling lights, Santa Claus, joy and merriment. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! We get to bring out our cosy jumpers and catch up with family and friends who’ve come home to visit. However, for some older people living alone, this can be hard. They can … Continued

Tag: loneliness

Tag: loneliness

Do you know someone who is lonely? Are you lonely?Why are more people lonely than ever before? With improved transport, increased use of communication tools and the easy availability of technology such as radio and television, it may seem incredible but it is indeed the case. One in ten people in Britain are experiencing loneliness … Continued

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