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Little Changes Make Life Changes

Following our Comfort Keepers theme from last week of helping you to keep your mind and body healthy as you get older, this week we are providing you with some tips to help you stay sound in mind and body. When people think of developing new habits, they often groan believing it will take time to get used to them and they won’t be enjoyable. I promise all of these will give you back much more than you put into them. Don’t stick at it if you aren’t enjoying it but take up something else instead. Many of these activities will bring you into contact with new people so they provide a great opportunity to make new friends too.

How To Stay Healthy In Mind And Body

Exercise & Good Living

  • Go for a 30 minute walk or similar moderate activity, three to five times a week. Other exercise could include cycling, swimming, water aerobics or gardening.
  • As we said in last week’s post, dancing provides incredible health benefits – attend a dancing class once a week.
  • Walk up the stairs instead of taking the lift or elevator.
  • Visit your doctor for regular check-ups.


  • Many of us still eat fish on Fridays here in Ireland. If not, it’s a good idea to eat fish at least once a week, particularly oily fish.
  • Eat at least five pieces of fruit and vegetables each day.
  • Cut down on your intake of salt.
  • Moderate your alcohol intake.
  • It’s never too late to give up smoking. Remember we featured Ireland’s oldest man some time ago – he gave up smoking in his early sixties and lived for another fifty years!

Social Activity

  • Take up a hobby such as joining a writing group, a book club, a chess group or a painting class. Joining a book club means you’ve plenty of opportunities for reading different genres of books which is great for keeping the mind active.
  • The Bealtaine festival is coming up soon (in May) and there will be many extra activities and classes happening around the country so there’s plenty of time to start planning.
  • Learn something new such as how to dance or to speak a new language.
  • Consider offering to volunteer with the local Volunteer centre, even if you have only one morning free a week. Those who volunteer often say they get so much more back than they put in.
  • Join a theatre group or go to your local theatre once a month with a friend. Visiting the cinema can be more affordable, going once a fortnight can be hugely enjoyable.
  • Consider signing up to a group travel holiday – you’ll get to see new places, meet new people and without any of the headache of having to find your own way around.
  • Join a boardgames club – there’s many clubs that play cards, chess or draughts. Alternatively, arrange to play with a friend on a regular basis.

Keeping active mentally and physically can reduce your risk of being diagnosed with dementia, experiencing falls and keeping your heart and body healthy. Many of us take up a new hobby as a new year’s resolution and maybe we don’t stick at it. Many of these activities are habit forming – once yo start them you’ll realise just how much you enjoy them. Make some of these a life change and turn them into a daily or weekly habit. You will thank yourself for it when you get older. Which one would you like to start today?

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